Hi, there! I'm Mohammed Asker

About me

I'm a Front-End Developer specialized in building a beautiful, mobile-responsive, and accessible websites and web applications. My interest lies in building a simple, but a beautiful user interface that's pleasant to browse around while also being aware of the accessibility.

I like to learn new technologies and best practices every day and I share all the things that I've learnt on DEV. I am now available for hire and freelance opportunities and if you are a business looking for an online presence, you can get in touch with me today.

Contact me

My Works

Here are some projects that I have worked recently.


A simple book finder web app built with where you can search books to read. Tools used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, REST API.

A screenshot of book finder web app used for displaying my work


A delivery service company website built to practice web responsive principles.Tools used: HTML and CSS.

A screenshot of fictional logistic startup website used for displaying my work


A simple note-taking web app where you can create, edit, and delete notes. Tools used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

A screenshot of note taking web app used for displaying my work


A clone DEV Community homepage built to practice React library. Tools used: React, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

A screenshot of devtoo used for displaying my work


My personal portfolio website built to showcase all my works. Tools used: HTML and CSS.

A screenshot of my portfolio website for displaying my work

My Tech Stacks








Got a website idea and want to turn it into a reality? Let's make it happen!